Heads Up Hokies

Every day about 9 people are killed, and over 1,000 are injured, in crashes involving a distracted driver.
The Heads Up Hokies campaign encourages Hokies and community members traveling across campus on foot, by bike, e-scooter, bus, or car to keep their heads up, act predictably, and pay attention to their surroundings. This is particularly important in shared road spaces (those supporting multiple modes of transportation), because of the additional types of interactions that can occur.
The campaign encourages Hokies to keep their heads up in the following ways:
In a Car
- As of January 1, 2021, it is illegal in Virginia to hold your phone while driving. This includes texting, web surfing, changing songs, and more.
- Become familiar with cycling hand signals (turning and braking signals).
- When passing people on bikes or e-scooters, Virginia law requires drivers to change lanes if the travel lane is not wide enough for three feet between their vehicle and those in the travel lane. This is true even if the driver has to cross a double yellow line, which is legal in this instance.
- Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, and watch for them on sidewalks.
- Watch for people on bikes and e-scooters; they may be in bike lanes, the travel lane, or crosswalks.
On a Bike

- Yield to pedestrians, and remember bicycle use on sidewalks is prohibited in downtown Blacksburg. (see the campus bike map for details).
- Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, and watch for them on sidewalks.
- Watch for people driving and act predictably, particularly when taking a full lane.
- Don’t wear headphones, earbuds, or use cellphones while riding.
- Watch for people on e-scooters, particularly in bike lanes and crosswalks.
On an E-scooter
- Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, and watch for them on sidewalks.
- Announce your presence when riding near pedestrians.
- Yield to pedestrians, and remember e-scooter use on sidewalks is prohibited in downtown Blacksburg (see the campus bike map for details).
- Don’t wear headphones, earbuds, or use cellphones while riding.
- Use proper signaling.

On Foot
- Be predictable, particularly when crossing a road.
- Watch for people on bikes and e-scooters, and become familiar with cycling hand signals (turning and braking signals).
Help Spread the Message
- Share the “Heads Up Hokies” message on social media (using #headsuphokies) and with your friends.
- Copy and paste the image below into a post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
- Proudly display Heads Up Hokies swag.
- Most importantly, keep your own head up.

Learn More
- Take the Heads Up Hokies course on Canvas (~45 time commitment) to learn more about how to get around safely.
- Sustainable Transportation hosts a variety of Heads Up Hokies events throughout the year where you can pick up free swag. Don't forget to come by the Hokie Bike Hub to pick up a sticker, too!
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.